Finding the art in Houston

Okay, I guess there is a certain beauty in seemingly hundreds of freeways and in the driving skills that Houstonians have to navigate them at speeds unrelated to those marked.  Despite GPS, there is no easy way to learn what lanes will disappear before your exit, or who is going to run you off the road next.  Let’s consider that art form number one.

Art form number two – great food. At least we can say that about the Mexican cuisine we have sampled here. We lunched at a place called RDG, also known as Annie’s Café.  Despite its having moved and changed its name since we bought our guide book, we were able to track this place down.  Daggone, the food disappeared again before the snaps, but suffice it to say that tortilla soup, mushroom soup with duck, braised beef enchiladas, and a Mexican cobb salad were just the tops in their class.  For once we did take a picture of a dessert – caramel banana sundae with pineapple. The composition just had a certain style that begged to be photographed.   Divine. Evidently Julia Child was very fond of Robert Del Grande, the chef responsible.  A lovely meal in a lovely restaurant.

Finally, art form number three – everything that finds its way to the Museum of Fine Art in Houston, including all the school children.  Something special here for Joe and Linda (See Tango couple) and two Canalettos here for Deb and Pete.  A nice selection of things worth seeing.

And then, for the very first time in our travels, we went to the movies!  (All the other museums were closed today.)  Art form number four – a movie with a definite Houston component, viewed in the absolutely largest mega-plex we have ever seen, with 30 screens.20131029_163828

The movie of our choice?  Gravity.  No spoiler alert here.  You will have to see it for yourself, preferably in the IMAX format we selected, along with four other people.  That is the way to see a movie, and this is one you should consider.

Getting back to our hotel was harrowing, it being Houston in rush hour.  But we survived!  On to see more of Texas today, preferably on less-travelled roads…106

3 thoughts on “Finding the art in Houston

  1. Is that lady in the white dress with the pink flowers a Sargent? I like the lady in the red hat and big black eyes. It looks like rain in east Texas and it is coming our way on Friday. Hope you don’t run into bad weather. All of your pictures seem to be on lovely days.

    1. Good catch, Gail. She is absolutely a Sargent. And I adored the red hat lady too. It’s called The Corn Poppy, after the hat, and was done in 1919 by Dutch artist Kees van Dongen. It just tickled me.

      The weather is finally catching up with us. There were sunny patches at the right times yesterday, but today has a 60% chance of rain. We’ll hope our great weather luck keeps holding up. If it gets too stormy, we’ll stay in our living room, watch movies and eat popcorn, and look out at the beautiful beach.

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