Alternative roasting tips for Thanksgiving

Why should turkeys have all the fun this week? For our Thanksgiving treat, we have escaped to windy and warm Aruba for ten days of sun, sand and pools – oh, and also umbrella drinks.

I promise not to ramble on about how lazy we have been and how many books we have read. Don has his War and Peace; I had a long and satisfying series of murder mysteries with some literature thrown in for leavening. Occasionally, we stared at the pool or the sea, just for variety.

But lest you think all is perfect in paradise, we are willing to admit that our first day included a thunderstorm that must have provided the monthly rainfall quota for October and November. Yes, it was sad, having to huddle in our rooms while the rain lashed at our porch! It was awful!

But that was just one part of one day, and it passed quickly. So think of us now roasting under the sun, basting in appropriate quantities of sunscreen, with side dishes of fish tacos, washed down with frozen daiquiris.

It’s not everyone’s idea of Thanksgiving, but hope you enjoy yours as much as we will enjoy ours!

2 thoughts on “Alternative roasting tips for Thanksgiving

    1. You can get most anything here – for a price. But I have observed that the local chickens seem to be wearing an A cup, so I wouldn’t hold out much hope for Butterballs on Thanksgiving…

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